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Ding-Dong! Finally, your delivery driver is at your door

Elisabeth already has an idea in mind: she would like to find the fastest possible route that goes to each address exactly once before finally returning to the station. This task is a well-known mathematical problem, namely the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP)! How can she solve it?

Let’s make it on time without wasting time on it

What if I tell you that long queues in airports are also caused by the impatient passengers that arrive too far in advance at the airport? Today, we will analyze how the organization of the security check queue affects the waiting time of passengers.

Contest: How fast can you travel around the Netherlands?

. Suppose you are coming to the Netherlands for the first time, you want to enjoy your time in the country in the best possible way and probably visit and see as much as possible. So you rend a car and you decide to travel around. But now the challenge begins, planning such a trip!

Traffic congestion: Braess' Paradox

Can you imagine that the, seemingly innocent and quite natural, idea to build more roads in order to solve the traffic problem can be sometimes quite a bad idea.

Traffic congestion: Optimal tolling schemes

Congested road networks are a big problem in many countries. Building more roads is not always the best solution to solve this issue. One of the reasons for this is that drivers behave selfishly

Network analysis of tax treaties

Large international companies often do not send their profits directly from one country to another. Instead, they send it via other countries, so-called conduit countries, to reduce the tax they pay. Which countries are the most important conduit countries?