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Secrets of numbers

Numbers are just amazing, as a child numbers are one the first things you learn. You try to count as far as possible, the first goal is to reach 10, then 20, then 50, finally you reach 100. Thanks to our computers you can find many cool things about large numbers!

A hobby scientist's view on quantum computing

The story goes as follows, during the last couple of decades many scientists, universities, and tech giants like IBM, Microsoft, and Google have invested largely in building this advanced machine called a quantum computer. Such a computer will be able to perform quantum computations, which rely on qubits instead of ordinary bits. The major challenge when you want to use such a qubit is that it is very unstable, and stable qubits are essential to have a proper quantum computer.

Random encounters with Ramsey numbers

It is was the second time yesterday in a one week time and the fourth in a one month time that I came across Ramsey numbers. In the beginning I thought it was just a coincidence.

Sir Roger Penrose - looking into black holes

On October 6th 2020 Sir Roger Penrose was awarded, jointly with Reinhard Genzel and Andrea Ghez, the nobel prize for physics for their groundbreaking discoveries concerning black holes.

"A digital app can help reconstruct the virus transmission contact network"

Directly or indirectly networks played a crucial role during the Corona health crisis. During this online event the speakers shed light on the relevance of networks in combating the epidemic, each one from a  different point of view, namely from that of the exact sciences, medicine, communication and social sciences respectively. 

Aida B. Paalman-de Miranda: a topologist from Amsterdam

On 11 May 2020 Prof. dr. Aida Beatrijs Paalman-de Miranda passed away. Aida (Ietje) Paalman-de Miranda was professor of mathematics between 1966 and 1997 at the Korteweg-de Vries Institute, the mathematics research institute of the University of Amsterdam.

The Mysterious R explained in simple terms

During the Corona pandemic the reproduction number R appeared in much of the media. While it is not at all obvious what this quantity measures exactly, it is obvious that making it smaller than 1 really is crucial in controlling the spread of the virus. So what is this R really?