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Evening of the Abel prize - after a good night sleep

This year the work of the Israeli computer scientist Avi Wigderson and the Hungarian mathematician László Lovász was in the spotlight. On the website of the Academy we read: "They received the prize in 2021 for their foundational contributions to theoretical computer science and discrete mathematics, and their leading role in shaping them into central fields of modern mathematics."

Percolation theory: about math and gossip

Percolation theory is a branch of mathematics at the interface between probability theory and graph theory. The term 'percolation' originates from materials science. A representative question is as follows. Suppose some liquid is poured over a porous material. Will the liquid be able to make its way from hole to hole and reach the bottom?

A solution to a long standing conjecture

Recently a team of mathematicians has published an article announcing a solution to a long standing open problem in graph theory, the Erdős - Faber - Lovász (EFL) conjecture. This conjecture was formulated in 1972 by mathematicians Paul Erdős, Vance Faber and László Lovász.

Brouwer medal to David Aldous

On the 6th of April David Aldous received the Brouwer Medal 2020 for his contributions to probability theory.