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"The mathematical community needs to strengthen the role and perspective of the young generation of mathematicians in Europe. They should be supported in their mathematical development and their career perspectives. But they also should be better integrated in the development of the EMS and its decision processes. Knowing better what the young generation needs and where current developments are leading, they should give new impulses for the development of the EMS."

This is the opening paragraph of the by-laws of the EMS (European Mathematical Society) Young Academy. From July 15th to 19th the European Congress of Mathematics (9ECM) will take place in Sevilla. The programme looks amazing!

On the website of the event we read:

The European Mathematical Young Academy organizes the following activities during the 9ECM:

EMYA Lightning talks

An opportunity for PhD students and early career researchers to present their research in a short, concise, and energetic format. Speakers are tasked with presenting the key-ideas and/or results of their research in just 5-minutes and with a maximum of 3 slides. Keep in mind that session chairs will be strict about the 5-minutes time limit.

To be eligible to give a lightning talk you must be a PhD student or early career researcher (from 2nd year PhD up to 3 years post PhD) and not be presenting elsewhere at the ECM.

Submissions for this activity must be sent through the “abstracts submission” form, selecting “EMYA Lightning talks” as the desired thematic session.

EMYA ice breaking session

An occasion for young people to get to know each other and connect with peers in an informal environment. The main target group of the event is PhD students and early stage researchers, especially if they have never participated in big conferences. During the session, there will be the opportunity to talk not only about Mathematics, and participants will be encouraged to interact through organised activities like games as well.

Sustainability panel & group discussion

The theme of sustainability of research life is growing in importance in the academic debate. Sustainability can be intended in different ways: in terms of mental health of researchers or, for example, focusing on the environmental point of view. This session is intended as an occasion to discuss in small groups about such themes, sharing our own experiences and ideas on how it is like to live and work in academia and what kind of actions can be taken to mitigate climate change.

Young KWG

Also in the Netherlands the mathematics association (KWG) is trying to create a community of early career mathematicians, by establishing the young division Young KWG. The main goal of Young KWG is to attract and support young mathematicians in the early stages of their careers. They aim to create a vibrant network in the Netherlands, a place where individuals can connect, interact, and learn from one another.