BeyondTheEdge Kicks Off

In November 2024, the Kick-Off meeting for BeyondTheEdge: Higher-Order Networks and Dynamics took place at Vrije Universiteit (VU) Amsterdam. The event marked the official start of the project, read an interview with Christian Bick, Principal Investigator and Project Coordinator of BeyondtheEdge.
Prizes for outstanding mathematics (Part 2)

Two weeks ago I had the pleasure to attend two events where prizes for outstanding research in mathematics were awarded, one of them was the CWI Best Thesis in Applied Math 2024. It was a great pleasure to be there, to chat with (most of) the candidates, and to learn what they have done during their bachelor and master thesis'.
Prizes for outstanding mathematics (Part 1)

Two weeks ago I had the pleasure to attend two events where prizes for outstanding research in mathematics were awarded, the Christiaan Huygens Science prize and the CWI Best Thesis in Applied Math 2024.
Interview with Claudia Flandoli, author of comics and an illustrator

Claudia Flandoli is an author of comics and an illustrator, with a keen interest in science topics. Last year she gave a short talk during the opening of IMAGINARY in Amsterdam. We couldn't let this opportunity pass and we asked her for an interview about art and science.
Creativity is intelligence

During my studies in mathematics, I never thought about how I should practice or learn mathematics. Have you ever thought about this? I was learning formulas, theorems, proofs, and various other results by hard and applying them in new situations. Now I realize I could have approached it differently.
Abel Prize 2024 to Michel Talagrand

The Abel Committee has awarded Michel Talagrand the 2024 Abel Prize for his groundbreaking contributions to probability theory and functional analysis, with outstanding applications in mathematical physics and statistics.
A mathematical journey to Suriname

From February 26th until March 1st, we had the unique opportunity to visit the Anton de Kom University in Suriname. The goal of our visit was to assess possibilities for cooperation between our mathematics institute and the math department in Paramaribo.
How do I teach?

Last week I had the honour to receive an award from the Amsterdam Young Academy (AYA) for my contributions in teaching in the BSc in mathematics at the University of Amsterdam. I thought of many things during this time, and I wanted to write some thoughts down.
What is good science communication?

Suppose you are starting with a new science communication project, you immediately think of some ideas like a website or a series of articles. But you also realize immediately that you are competing with so many other science communication initiatives. What is a good way to choose what to do?
Summer of Math Exposition

The Summer of Math Exposition (SoME) is an annual competition organized by 3Blue1Brown to foster the creation of excellent math content online.