Distributed consensus: What do money transactions and attacking armies have in common?

In February 2014, a big bank in the Netherlands suffered from an internet banking malfunction which led many costumers to accidentally perform duplicate bank transfers.
Can algorithms learn to price collusively?

This is a question I have been thinking about for the last two years. In this article, I will give a little overview of what I have discovered in that time.
Finance, Networks and Statistics come together

One of the lessons learned after the financial crisis of 2008, with Lehman Brothers collapsing, causing instability in the global economy, was that there is a strong need to better model the underlying financial network in an economy as a whole.
Financial Networks: "A complete overview of interbank exchanges would help prevent a new financial collapse"

A complete overview of interbank exchanges would help prevent a new financial collapse. However, banks do not provide this information: this is why a “network reconstruction” methodology to infer the unobserved connections is needed.
Bitcoins and queues

Everybody is talking about Bitcoin. But how does it actually work?
Financial Economics: Informal Collaboration, Networks, and Gender

How is scientific knowledge created? Are there patterns and special characteristics behind the flow of scientific knowledge? In this article I will guide you through my research work and try to give some answers to these questions!
Network analysis of tax treaties

Large international companies often do not send their profits directly from one country to another. Instead, they send it via other countries, so-called conduit countries, to reduce the tax they pay. Which countries are the most important conduit countries?