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Ding-Dong! Finally, your delivery driver is at your door

Elisabeth already has an idea in mind: she would like to find the fastest possible route that goes to each address exactly once before finally returning to the station. This task is a well-known mathematical problem, namely the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP)! How can she solve it?

Could the Future of Artificial Intelligence be Self-Organising?

One of the main building blocks of modern AI-tools are artificial neural networks, abstract models inspired by the structure and functions of biological neural networks which enable machines to "learn". In this article, I will discuss some thoughts on this topic.

Dispatching experts to do maintenance

Using data analytic techniques and Artificial Intelligence you can analyse data from hospitals and discover hidden patterns that allow us to often predict (within a margin of accuracy) failures before they happen. When a failure is predicted, we issue an alert and we plan for preventive maintenance by an expert engineer.

The Versatility of Reinforcement Learning

After a busy week at work, Reinforcement Learning slowly sinks into his leather armchair. A smoky aroma fills the room to the tune of a crackling fire. With a deep gaze fixed on the flames dancing in the fireplace, he leisurely takes a sip of red wine.

AI thinks my dog is a Pig! Want to know why?

Applications of machine learning models are everywhere, with many online platforms and major science fields using tools relying on machine learning. Take, for example, image recognition and computer vision. But did you know that the results of supposedly perfect and accurate machine learning models can be deceived by slight perturbations in the data?

MO-together and not alone! How networks can help fundraising in the no-profit sector

Back in 2015, I joined the Movember health movement, a movement that you probably have heard of having something related to men growing a moustache. As a woman, you might imagine, I did not join for the moustache thing, but rather for the cause behind the moustache symbol, that is, raising awareness of prostate and testicular cancer.