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The quantum Internet - A glimpse into the future

QuTech at the Delft University of Technology and TNO, in collaboration with the European Quantum Internet Alliance, are leading the efforts to establish a quantum Internet and aims at having a proof of concept version, between the cities of Amsterdam, Leiden, Delft and the Hague.

Word usages reflect network community structure on Twitter

Networks can be found everywhere, and are also present in social media platforms such as Twitter. Generally, groups exist that send a lot of tweets to each other and far fewer tweets to users outside their group. In this article, the research on word usages in Twitter social groups, also called communities, will be discussed in more detail.

Why the whole world has seen Gangnam style

Have you ever wondered what makes a video go viral? Or how it is possible that they can spread so quickly? Maybe you didn't (that's fine), but many economists, marketeers, and even mathematicians have wondered.

Lo & Behold: Werner Herzog’s take on the Internet

Source = |Author =[ Raffi Asdourian] from New York, United States

Documentary, “Lo & Behold: reveries of the connected world” is about the Internet. “What is so terrible about the internet?” you ask, “Isn’t it kind of great?” Yes, that is indeed how it would seem to most of us. But just wait until Herzog shows you.