Why scientists keep failing at stopping COVID and how mathematicians can help.

Despite our level of development, the pandemic has been continuously causing us struggles for two years. This gives rise to an obvious question: How can contemporary science not deal with a flu-like virus?
How to Plan for a Pandemic? An interview with Hans Heesterbeek

Prof. dr. ir. Hans Heesterbeek, one of the leading infectious disease epidemiologists in the Netherlands, is a busy man. Fortunately for us, Hans Heesterbeek had a gap in his schedule to yet again answer some questions, this time not asked by professional journalists, but by us, four students from the Technical University in Eindhoven.
Online webinar: Mathematics and COVID-19

A webinar organized by the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences on social network modelling and the spread of infectious diseases.
Mathematics against Corona

Now that the summer vacation is over we need to arm ourselves against the anticipated second peak in the fall. That is why three PhD students at the department of Mathematics and Computer Science of the Eindhoven University of Technology are working hard to analyze all facts and figures of the pandemic so far, and […]
"A digital app can help reconstruct the virus transmission contact network"

Directly or indirectly networks played a crucial role during the Corona health crisis. During this online event the speakers shed light on the relevance of networks in combating the epidemic, each one from a different point of view, namely from that of the exact sciences, medicine, communication and social sciences respectively.
Verbonden tegen Covid-19 – Structure, contacts, emotions and behavior

On Tuesday 31st of May the KNAW organized the webinar "Verbonden tegen Covid-19 - Hoe netwerken pandemieën verspreiden en bestrijden" (Connected against Covid-19 - How networks spread and combat pandemics).
The Mysterious R explained in simple terms

During the Corona pandemic the reproduction number appeared in much of the media. While it is not at all obvious what this quantity measures exactly, it is obvious that making it smaller than 1 really is crucial in controlling the spread of the virus. So what is this